You are here: Using > Import-Export > ASCII File Export

ASCII File Export


The ASCII File Export - will create a file that can be provided to your I.T. staff or a vendor so they can automate the update to another computer system. This eliminates the need to do data entry into another software application.


Creates the layout according to the ASCII Layout on the website format: 1) Sending Data from the Local Government to the Clearinghouse which is the same layout as the ASCII File Import.


- currently the only option is to generate a ASCII file of ALL debtors and debts. There are no selective options similar to the Excel File export.


Frequency: These processes can be run at anytime. Normally needed only if an external accounting/billing can accept data from this software. 


- this menu requires access rights assigned in the User Setup.


1. From the Main Menu click Import/Export:




2. Move the mouse over ASCII File Export and click this option:


 3. The following appears:


4. Click one of the following options:



5. Click to return to the main menu :